张军 Professional Ranks and Titles:专任教师 Mailbox: Postal Address:
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Research Interests

1. 仿生机器人






2. 康复医疗机器人与智慧医院









教授 博士生导师,硕士生导师
电话: 电子邮箱:j.zhang@seu.edu.cn
办公地址: 邮编:210096
  • 基本信息
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  • 科研成果
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 学术兼职
  • 招生情况








2014-11~2016-09:卡内基梅隆大学计算机学院机器人研究所,博士后,在Ralph Hollis教授团队开展多机器人交互协同微装配相关研究工作。



1. 仿生机器人






2. 康复医疗机器人与智慧医院















[1]  国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(62173090),(2022.01-2025.12) 仿生机器人

[2]  国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(61873066),(2019.01-2022.12) 仿生机器人集群控制

[3]  国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(61403079),(2015.01-2017.12) 仿生飞行机理与机器人控制

[4]  国家重点研发计划子课题(2017YFB1300305),(2017.12-2020.11) 视、听、力触多通道交互技术

[5]  科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目子课题(2021ZD0114504,(2022.06-2025.05)机器人智能感知与控制

[6]  科技创新2030-“新一代人工智能”重大项目子课题(2020AAA0109605,(2020.11-2023.10)基于机器人与人工智能技术的智慧医院研究

[7]  江苏省自然基金面上项目(BK20181270),(2018.7-2021.6) 小行星微重力环境探测关键技术

[8]  江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(BK20140637),(2014.07-2017.06) 仿生飞行机器人建模

[9]  航天八院上海航天科技创新基金项目(SAST2017045)(2017.10-2019.08) 小行星着陆、锚固、取样机器人

[10]  航天五院实验室基金,(2021.1-2023.7)柔性机械臂

[11]  航天晨光股份有限公司,(2021.11-2023.10)柔性机械臂绕线机器人

[12]  中国医学科学院北京协和医院,(2023.8-今)医疗机器人

[13]  奥富能机器人公司,(2023.5-今)建筑机器人

[14]  东南大学科学研究基金基础科研扶持项目(2242018k10018),(2018.1-2018.12) 仿生集群运动机理
[15]  东南大学科学研究基金基础科研扶持项目(3222007402),(2017.01-2017.12) 机器人自然交互技术
[16]  博士后国际交流计划派出项目(20140009),(2014.11-2016.10) 多工业机器人协同感知、规划与控制
[17] 江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目(1302064B),(2013.10-2015.09) 仿生弹跳机器人关键技术

[18] 东南大学博士后重点科研资助计划项目(2242014R20018),(2014.1-2014.12)  仿生弹跳机器人空中姿态控制

[1]   EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research(EAGER) of NSF Grant, (IIS-1547143) USA (2015.4-2017.4)
[2]   国家自然科学基金面上项目(61375076),(2014.01-2017.12) 无线传感器网络
[3]   国家自然科学基金面上项目(61473081),(2015.01-2018.12) 飞行机器人控制
[4]   总装备部载人航天预研项目子课题(010104),(2014.04-2014.09) 载人小行星探测关键技术研究
[5]   国家自然科学基金面上项目(60875070),(2009.01-2011.12)模块化机器人技术



[32] Jun Zhang*, Haoyun Chen, Yun Li, Xiaoyu Chu, Xiaodong Zhou, and Aiguo Song, "Design of a Bio-Inspired Stiffness Controllable Continuum Robot for Object Grasping and Moving," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Accepted, 2025. 

[31] Jun Zhang*, Wenjie Shen, Liuchen Chen, Aiguo Song, “Calibration and Closed-Loop Control of A 7-DOF Force Feedback Device,” Transactions on Haptics, Accepted, 2025

[30] Jun Zhang*, Shui Hu, Xu Jiang, and Aiguo Song, “Design and Validation of an Aerodynamics and Kinematics Measurement Platform for Flapping-Wing Robots,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 74, 2025.

[29] Jun Zhang*, Feiyang Qu, Jingyu Liu, Yecheng Liu, Rucui Xia, and Aiguo Song, “Real-Time Chest Compression Depth, Rate, and Posture Detections in Medical Scene Using Binocular Vision,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 28 August 2024.

[28] Jun Zhang*, Xin Chen, Wenjie Shen, Jiaqi Song, and Yuanwen Zheng, “A toe-inspired rigid-flexible coupling wheel design method for improving the terrain adaptability of a sewer robot,” Bioinspir. Biomim. 19 (2024) 046003. 

[27] Xu Jiang, Jun Zhang*, Yaning Zhang, Aiguo Song, and Bo Zhu “Rigid and Flexible Structures Coupled System Study and Enhanced Vision-Aided Control for a Versatile Cable Winding Robot,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 17 April 2024. 

[26] Shui Hu, Jun Zhang*, “An adaptive kernel correlation filter algorithm and synchronization error correction method for 3D motion reconstruction of flexible flapping wings using binocular vision,” Measurement, , vol. 228, 31 March 2024, 114388.

[25] 周煜,张军*, 宋爱国, “一种悬浮扑翼机器人的视觉自主避障方法研究,”仪器仪表学报, 录用, J2311869.

[24] Jun Zhang*, Yi Xiao, Yizhuang Ding, Liuchen Chen, and Aiguo Song, “Interaction-Based Active Perception Method and Vibration-Audio-Visual Information Fusion for Asteroid Surface Material Identification,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 73, Jan. 2024, Art No. 2506514.

[23] Jun Zhang*, Jing Yuan, Siyuan Cheng, Yecheng Liu, and Aiguo Song, “Wearable Inertial and Pressure Sensors-Based Chest Compression Quality Assessment to Improve Accuracy and Robustness,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 3774–3787, Feb. 20

[22] Yi Xiao, Jun Zhang*, Cheng Chi, Yuqing Ma, and Aiguo Song, “Criticality and clinical department prediction of ED patients using machine learning based on heterogeneous medical data,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 165, Oct. 2023, 107390.

[21] 周敬淞, 张军*, 肖毅, 宋爱国, “基于仿蟹刚柔耦合机构的搜救机器人设计,” 仪器仪表学报, vol. 44, no. 6, Jun. 2023.

[20] J. Zhang*, X. Chen, A. Song, X. Li, “Artificial intelligence-based snakebite identification using snake images, snakebite wound images, and other modalities of information: A systematic review,” International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 173, May 2023, 105024.

[19] J. Zhang*, J. Wu, Y. Qiu, A. Song, W. Li, X. Li, Y. Liu, Intelligent Speech Technologies for Transcription, Disease Diagnosis, and Medical Equipment Interactive Control in Smart Hospitals: A Review, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 153, Feb. 2023, 106517.

[18] J. Zhang*, B. Chen, Y. Zhang, C. Jiang, A. Song, 3D self-deployment of jumping robot sensor nodes for improving network performance in obstacle dense environment, Measurement, vol. 207, Feb. 2023, 112410.

[17] Y. Zhang, J. Zhang*, B. Chen, H. Chen, A. Song, Obstacle detection and autonomous stair-climbing of a miniature jumping robot, Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics, vol. 3, no. 1, Mar. 2023, 100085.

[16] J. Zhang*, N. Zhao and F. Qu, “Bio-Inspired flapping wing robots with foldable or deformable wings: A review,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics,2022 Nov 15;18(1).

[15] J. Zhang*, H. Li, A. Song, Y. Ding, J. Wu, “Thermal Perception for Information Transmission: Theoretical Analysis, Device Design, and Experimental Verification,” IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 15, no. 4, Sep. 2022, pp. 679-692.

[14] J. Zhang*, Y. Ding, L. Chen, A. Song, F. Huang, and X. Lu, “A sweeping and grinding combined hybrid sampler for asteroid sample return mission," Acta Astronautica, vol. 198, Sep. 2022, pp. 329-346.

[13] J. Zhang*, Q. Liu, J. Zhou and A. Song, “Crab-inspired compliant leg design method for adaptive locomotion of a multi-legged robot,”Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 24 Jan. 2022, 025001.

[12] J.Zhang*, H. Zhang, C. Dong, F. Huang, Q. Liu, A. Song, “Architecture and Design of a Wearable Robotic System for Body Posture Monitoring, Correction, and Rehabilitation Assist," International Journal of Social Robotics, pp. 1-14, Jan. 17, 2019.

[11] J.Zhang, C. Dong, H. Zhang, S. Li, A. Song, “Modeling and experimental validation of cutting based lander anchoring and sampling methods for asteroid exploration,”Advances in Space Research,vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 2426-2443, May 2018.

[10] J.Zhang, X. Yang, G. Song, T. Chen, and Y. Zhang, “Relative orientation and position detections based on an RGB-D sensor and dynamic cooperation strategies for jumping sensor nodes recycling,” Sensors, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 23618-23639, Sep. 17, 2015.

[9] J.Zhang, X. Yang, G. Song, Y. Zhang, S. Fei, and A. Song*, “Structural-Parameter-Based Jumping-Height-and-Distance Adjustment and ObstacleSensing of a Bio-Inspired Jumping Robot,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 12, Jun. 5, 2015.

[8] J.Zhang, G. Song , Y. Li, G. Qiao, A. Song, “A bio-inspired jumping robot:modeling, simulation, design, and experimental results”, Mechatronics, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1123-1140, Dec. 2013.

[7] J.Zhang, G. Song, Y. Li, G. Qiao, and Z. Li, “Battery swapping and wireless charging for a home robot system with remote human assistance,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 747-755, Nov. 2013.

[6] J.Zhang, G. Qiao, G. Song, H. Sun, J. Ge, “Group decision making based autonomous control system for street lighting,” Measurement, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 108-116, Jan. 2013.

[5] J.Zhang, G. Qiao, G. Song, and A. Wang, “Design and implementation of a remote control system for a bio-inspired jumping robot,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol.9, Oct. 10,2012.

[4] J.Zhang, G. Song, G. Qiao, Z. Li, and A. Wang “A wireless sensor network system with a jumping node for unfriendly environments,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2012, Article ID 568240, pp. 1-8, May 2012.

[3] J.Zhang, G. Song, G. Qiao, T. Meng, and H. Sun “An indoor security system with a jumping robot as the surveillance terminal,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Nov. 2011, vol.57, no.4, pp. 1774-1781.

[2] J. Zhang, B. Fang, X. Lu, A. Song, S. Li, B. Zhou, L. Xu, “Surface Anchoring Methods Studying of Asteroids Lander,” Manned Spaceflight, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 270-277, May 2015.

[1] J.Zhang, G. Song, H. Sun, Y. Zhang, G. Qiao, and A. Song, “Locomotion Performance Analysis of a Foldable Wheeled Jumping Robot: FoldJumper,” Robot, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 250-256, Mar. 2014.



[29] Xu Jiang, Student Member, IEEE, Jun Zhang*, Senior Member, IEEE, and Aiguo Song, “An Ejecting System for Autonomous Takeoff of Flapping-Wing Robots,” IROS2024.

[28] Wenjie Shen, Jun Zhang*, Yuanwen Zheng, Xiatian Zhou, and Aiguo Song, “Automatic Pipeline Defect Detection Based on A Sewer Robot and Instance Segmentation,” ROBCE2024.

[27] Shui Hu, Jun Zhang*, Ning Zhao, and Aiguo Song, “A Rigid-Flexible Coupling Mechanism-based Foldable and Angle of Attack Adjustable Flapping Wing,” ICARM2024.

[26] Xu Wang, JJun Zhang*, Qiucheng Lu, Hongyang Li, Shui Hu, and Aiguo Song, “Modeling and Control for Close Flight Formation of Blimp Robots,” ICARM2024.

[25]Yangkai Guo, Chengyi Wang, Jiaqi Yao, Chunyang Ma, Xinzhu Zhang, and Jun Zhang*,“Design of an Origami Based Flapping-Wing Robot,” ICARM2024.

[24] Jun Zhang, Xu Jiang, Yizhuang Ding, and Aiguo Song, “A Cable-Driven and Rigid-Flexible Structures Combined Landing Gear System for Spacecraft Soft Landing on Asteroid,” AIM2024, 15-19 July 2024. 

[23] Zhi Li, Kun Mei, Youhua Lin, Yuwei Yang, Chang Liu, Yi Xiao, and Jun Zhang*, Detection of Upper Limb Motor Dysfunction for Stroke Patients Using A Wearable Device and A Two-Layer LSTM Model, in: International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 8-10 Jul. 2023.

[22] Yuwei Yang, Youhua Lin, Chang Liu, Zhi Li, Kun Mei, Jingyue Wu, Yi Xiao, and Jun Zhang*, Speech Feature-Based Machine Learning Model and Smart Devices for Stroke Early Recognition, in: International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 8-10 Jul. 2023.

[21] Q. Liu, J. Zhang*, X. Li, J. Zhou, X. Hu, W. Jin, and A. Song, “A Rigid and Flexible Structures Coupled Underactuated Hand,” in: IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 11-15 Jul., 2022. 

[20] Y. Zhang, J. Zhang*, Y. Xiao, N. Zhao, J. Wu, H. Wu, W. Li, X. Li, M. Ma, and A. Song, “Early Recognition of Facial Paralysis for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients Using Visual Perception and AI-Assisted Analysis” in: International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 9-11 Jul. 2022. 

[19] S. Ye, J. Zhang*, Q. Lu, Y. Xiao, J. Yuan, and S. Hu, “Design and Simulation of a Bio-Inspired Rigid-Soft Hybrid Robotic Blimp,” in: International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 9-11 Jul. 2022.

[18] N. Zhao, J. Zhang*, Y. Zhang, X. Jiang, Y. Shen, S. Yang, and S. Hu, “A Self-Balanced Vehicle Base for Takeoff of a Flapping-Wing Robot,” in: International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 9-11 Jul. 2022.

[17] Y. Gong, Z. Yang, S. Wang, J. Zhu, T. Huang, J. Zhang*, and F. Huang, “Foldable Wings Improve Energy Efficiency of Bio-Inspired Flapping-Wing Robot during Takeoff,” ICARM2021, Chongqing, China, July 3-5. EI

[16] H. Li, J. Zhang*, C. Jiang, Q. Liu, M. Zhang, J. Zhou,“Muscle Temperature Sensing and Control with A Wearable Device for Hand Rehabilitation of People after Stroke,” in: International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD), 15-17 Oct. 2020, pp. 94-99. 

[15] J. Zhang*, M. Zhang, Q. Li, M. Qin, J. Xiong, D. Sun, “A Robotic Sensor Node for Mechanical Property Detection of Material on Asteroid Surface,” in: International Conference on Sensing, Measurement & Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence (ICSMD), 15-17 Oct. 2020, pp.341-346. 

[14] F. Huang, J. Zhang*, M. Zhang, C. Jiang, Q. Liu, and A. Song, “A Testing Platform for Flapping-Wing Robots,” in: International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 18-21 Dec. 2020, pp. 72-77.

[13] C. Jiang, J. Zhang*, H. Li, M. Zhang, A. Song, and J. Ni, “2D Self-Deployment of A Jumping Sensor Network,” in: International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 18-21 Dec. 2020, pp. 78-84.

[12] C. Dong, J. Zhang*, C. Jiang, F. Huang, X. Lu, F. Huang, and A. Song, “A Sweeping and Grinding Methods Combined Hybrid Sampler for Asteroid Exploration,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2019), Accepted.

[11] S. Yang, Y. Shen, B. Li, Y. Li, and J. Zhang*, Modeling and Simulation of a Flapping-Wing Robot with Active Tails for Balancing Controlduring Wheeled Running, (ICMA2018), Aug. 5-8, China, pp. 1806-1811.

[10] J. Zhang*, C. Dong, and A. Song, Force Modeling of the CuttingDisc in Rock Sawing for Anchoring and Sampling in Asteroid Exploration,(ROBIO2017), December 5-8, 2017, Macau SAR, China, pp. 32-37.
[9] J. Zhang*, C. Dong, and A. Song, Jumping Aided Takeoff: ConceptualDesign of A Bio-Inspired Jumping-Flapping Multi-Modal Locomotion Robot,(ROBIO2017), December 5-8, 2017, Macau SAR, China, pp. 2142- 2147.
[8] J. Zhang, B. Fang, X. Lu, A. Song, S. Li, B. Zhou, and L. Xu, “Surface Anchoring Methods Studying of Asteroids Lander,” Manned Space flight, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 270-277, May 2015.
J.Zhang, A. Song, X.Xu, and W. Lu, “A rigid and flexible structures combined deployable boom for space exploration,” (IROS2016).
J.Zhang and R. Hollis, “A 2-DOF Manipulator for Micro-Assembly in a Minifactory,” (ROBIO2016).
J.Zhang, A. Song, and W. Lu, “Anchoring and Sampling Processes Analysis of a Landing Robot in Asteroid Exploration,” (ROBIO2016).
J.Zhang, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, G.Qiao, G. Song, A. Song, “Aerial Posture Adjustmentof a Bio-Inspired Jumping Robot for Safe Landing: Modeling and Simulation,” (ROBIO2014).
J.Zhang, K. Ding, Y. Zhang, X. Yang, and G. Song, “Modeling and Simulation of aBio-Inspired Symmetrical Jumping Robot,” (ICMA2014).
J.Zhang, G. Song, G.Qiao, Z. Li, W. Wang, and A. Song, “A Novel One-Motor DrivenRobot that Jumps and Walks,” (ICRA2013).
J.Zhang, G. Song, Z. Li, G.Qiao, H. Sun, and A. Song, “Self-Righting, Steeringand Takeoff Angle Adjusting for a Jumping Robot,” (IROS2012).


[1] Oral presentation: J. Zhang, Chengcheng Dong, and Aiguo Song, Force Modeling of the Cutting Disc in Rock Sawing for Anchoring and Sampling in Asteroid Exploration, (ROBIO2017) IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, December 5-8, 2017, Macau SAR, China, pp. 32-37.

[2] Oral presentation: J. Zhang, Chengcheng Dong, and Aiguo Song, Jumping Aided Takeoff: Conceptual Design of A Bio-Inspired Jumping-Flapping Multi-Modal Locomotion Robot, (ROBIO2017), December 5-8, 2017, Macau SAR, China, pp. 2142- 2147.

[3] Oral presentation: J. Zhang and Ralph Hollis, A 2-DOF Manipulator for Micro-Assembly in a Minifactory, (ROBIO2016), Qingdao, China, December 3-7, 2016, pp. 1582-1587.

[4] Oral presentation: J. Zhang, Aiguo Song, and Wei Lu, Anchoring and Sampling Processes Analysis of a Landing Robot in Asteroid Exploration, (ROBIO2016), Qingdao, China, December 3-7, 2016, pp. 158-190.

[5] Oral presentation: J. Zhang, Guangming Song, Guifang Qiao, Zhen Li, Weiguo Wang, and Aiguo Song, “A Novel One-Motor Driven Robot that Jumps and Walks”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013.

[6] Oral presentation: J. Zhang, Guangming Song, Zhen Li, Guifang Qiao, Hongtao Sun, and Aiguo Song, “Self-Righting, Steering and Takeoff Angle Adjusting for a Jumping Robot”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, Oct. 7-12, 2012


[1]张军,赵凝,胡水,宋爱国,周煜,蒋旭,一种刚柔耦合主被动变形扑翼机构及攻角调节方法,申请号:202111509861.9,申请日:2021.12.10,公开日:20220308,授权日: 20230109

[2]张军,李汉,宋爱国,刘琪,周敬淞,陈柳辰,一种脑卒中患者运动与感觉神经联合康复装置及控制方法,申请号:ZL202110113634.8,申请日:2021.01.28. 公开日:20210611,授权日: 20221221

[3]张军,叶诗秘,宋爱国,张宇威,赵凝,吴浩,一种可变形的混杂式悬浮飞行器及运行控制方法,申请号:202110623875.7,申请日:2021.06.04, 授权日: 20220603

[4]张军,陈柳辰,宋爱国,一种力反馈装置的温度误差补偿系统及方法,申请号:202111019604.7,申请日:2021.09.01,公开日:20211130, 授权日: 20220802

[5]张军,周敬淞,宋爱国,刘琪,金伟明,一种具有仿生刚柔耦合腿的八足机器人及控制方法,申请号:202111394705.2,申请日:2021.11.23, 授权日: 20220726,授权号:ZL 202010895921.4

[6]张军,刘琪,周敬淞,宋爱国,金伟明,一种感知驱动一体化刚柔耦合手指及柔顺型机器人灵巧手,申请号:202111397012.9,申请日:2021.11.23, 授权日: 20220812

[7]张军,丁益壮,宋爱国,陈柳辰,陆希,黄帆,张宇威,吴浩,一种着陆缓冲与附着固定机器人系统,申请号:202111509876.5,申请日:2021.12.10, 授权日: 20220909

[8] 张军,张茂增,宋爱国,黄繁章,江朝军,刘琪,一种刚柔耦合结构的脑卒中患者手部功能康复机器人,授权号:ZL201910945737.3,申请日:2019.9.30. 公开日:2020-01-10, 授权日: 2021.9.22.

[9]张军,张茂增,宋爱国,黄繁章,刘琪,李汉,江朝军,一种扑翼无人机自主弹射起飞与回收重复利用装置及方法, 授权号:ZL 202010895921.4,申请日:2020 .08 .31,公开日:2020.12.08, 授权日: 2021.9.21.

[10]张军,江朝军,宋爱国,李汉,黄繁章,刘琪,一种脑卒中患者手部功能康复机器人及使用方法,授权号:ZL201910940571.6,申请日:2019.9.30. 公开日:2020.01.31,授权日:2021.8.10.

[11]张军,董成成,陆希,黄帆,宋爱国,一种复合式小行星取样器及其取样方法,授权号:ZL201811562286.7,申请日:2018.12.20. 公开日:2019-03-15, 实质审查的生效: 2019-04-09. 授权日:2021.03.19

[12]张军,董成成,宋爱国,一种轮腿式跑跳机构及扑翼式机器人,授权号:ZL201710933560.6, 申请日期:2017.10.09.授权日2020.09.11.

[13]张军, 沈玥伶, 杨述焱, 李玉慧, 李博阳, 宋爱国, 扑翼机器人升力推力和翅膀运动信息同步检测系统及方法, 授权号:ZL201810071520.X:申请日期:2018.1.24授权日2020.11.03.







[20]张军,宋光明,李玉亚,乔贵方,宋爱国,一种单电机驱动可爬行的弹跳机器人,授权号:CN103010327B,授权时间:2015.04.01  生效日期:2013-05-01








[28]乔贵方,宋光明,张军,王卫国,孙洪涛,李臻,宋爱国,一种具有滚动和爬行步态的单链式模块化自重构机器人,授权号: ZL2012101158992,授权时间:2013.08.28

[29]宋光明,乔贵方,张军,孙洪涛,李臻,宋爱国,一种模块化自重构机器人的单元模块,授权号: CN102416626B,授权时间:2014.10.08

[30]宋光明,乔贵方,张军,孙洪涛,李臻,宋爱国,一种模块化自重构机器人单元模块之间的对接机构及对接方法,授权号: ZL2011104121853,授权时间:2014.10.08

[31]宋光明,孙洪涛,乔贵方,张军,葛剑,宋爱国,一种具有翻滚和弹跳功能的机器人,授权号: CN102642575B,授权时间:2012.09.18

[32]宋光明,孙洪涛,乔贵方,张军,葛剑,宋爱国,一种可滑翔的弹跳机器人,授权号: CN102632935B,授权时间: 2013.11.20



[23] 指导的硕士研究生陈鑫、沈文杰两位同学获得2024年研究生国家奖学金

[22] 2024年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀结题 (指导老师)

[21] 指导的硕士研究生陈欣同学获得黄惟一教授奖学金

[20] 第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“揭榜挂帅”专项赛国赛一等奖(指导老师)

[19] 2023年第48届日内瓦国际发明展银奖

[18] 2023年第九届全国青年科普创新实验暨作品大赛江苏赛区优秀指导教师奖

[17] 2023年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀结题 (指导老师)

[16] 2022年度吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖

[15] ICARM2022 最佳会议论文提名奖

[14] 2022年东南大学第十一届大学生学术报告会 十佳报告 (指导老师)

[13] 2022年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀结题 (指导老师)

[12] 2022年校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目良好结题 (指导老师)

[11] 作为骨干的“遥操作机器人技术”团队入选2021年全国高校黄大年式教师团队

[10] 入选2021年度东南大学“紫金青年学者”

[9] 获得2021年第二届“四季青”青年论坛机器人比赛人气最高机器人奖

[8] 2021年东南大学第28届青年教师授课竞赛提名奖

[7] 2021年校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀结题 (指导老师)

[6] 2020年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目良好结题 (指导老师)

[5] 2019年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀结题 (指导老师)

[4] 2019年校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀结题 (指导老师)

[3] 入选2019年度东南大学“至善青年学者”A类

[2] 作为骨干的“机器人传感与控制技术”科研团队入选2016年江苏“青蓝工程”科技创新团队

[1] 2013年“南京市第十届自然科学优秀学术论文奖”


[1] IEEE Senior Member
[2] Member of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

[3] 中国人工智能学会具身智能专委会委员

[4] 中国人工智能学会会员

[5] 中国自动化学会会员

[6] 中国仪器仪表学会会员

[7] 中国宇航学会会员

[8] 江苏省人工智能学会会员

[9] 江苏省人工智能学会机器人专委会委员

[1]《IEEE Transactions on Robotics》审稿人
[2]《IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics》审稿人
[3]《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》审稿人

[4]《Bioinspiration & Biomimetics》

[5]《International Journal of Social Robotics》

[6]《Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering》
[7]《IEEE Access》审稿人
[9]《Journal of Bionic Engineering》审稿人
[10]《Advances in Space Research》审稿人
[11]《Sensors and Actuators A: Physical》审稿人
[12]《Journal of Sensors》审稿人
[13]《Mobile Networks and Applications》审稿人









