刘澄玉 Professional Ranks and Titles:专任教师 Mailbox: Postal Address:
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Research Interests

1. 穿戴式人体生命体征监测

2. 医学大数据与人工智能
3. 睡眠和情绪状态健康评估

教授 博士/硕士生导师
电话:025-83793993 电子邮箱:chengyu@seu.edu.cn
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  • 科研成果
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2010年12月至2017年7月,先后在山东大学、英国Newcastle大学、美国Emory大学从事博士后研究,2017年9月加入东南大学仪器科学与工程学院从事教学和科研工作 。


1. 穿戴式人体生命体征监测

2. 医学大数据与人工智能
3. 睡眠和情绪状态健康评估


--本科生:《误差理论与数据处理》(英文)-- 32学时,春季,面向仪科学院本科生

--本科生:《工程导论》-- 16学时,秋季,面向仪科学院本科生

--研究生:《现代信号处理理论及应用》(中英文)-- 36学时,秋季,面向全校硕士、博士研究生



*通讯作者, #共同第一作者

.C. Y. Ma, S. S. Wei*, T. S. Chen, J. Q. ZhongZ. H. Liu and C. Y. Liu*Integration of results from convolutional neural network in a support vector machine for the detection of atrial fibrillationIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement2021, 70(1): 2504610(1)-2504610(10).(IF 3.658)

2.X. Y. Wang, C. Y. Liu*, Y. W. Li, X. H. Cheng*, J. Q. Li andG. D. CliffordTemporal-framing adaptive network for heart sound segmentation without prior knowledge of state durationIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2021, 68(2): 650-663. (IF 4.424)

3.X. Y. Zhang, J. Q. Li*, Z. P. Cai, L. ZhangZ. H. Chen and C. Y. Liu*.Over-fitting suppression training strategies for deep learning-based atrial fibrillation detection. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2021, 59 (1): 165–173. (IF 2.022)

4.L. L. Zhao, L. C. Yang*, B. M. Li, Z. H. Su and C. Y. Liu*Frontal alpha EEG asymmetry variation of depression patients assessed by entropy measures and lemple–ziv complexity. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2021, 41: doi: 10.1007/s40846-020-00594-9. (IF 1.173)

5.Z. H. Chen, M. Wu*, W. Cui, C. Y. Liu and X. L. Li. An attention-based CNN-LSTM approach for sleep-wake detection with heterogeneous sensors. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2020, in press. (IF 5.223)

6.J. A. Behar*, C. Y. Liu, Y. Zigel, P. Laguna and G. D. Clifford. Editorial: Remote health monitoring: from chronic diseases to pandemics. Physiological Measurement2020, in press. (IF 2.309)

7.J. A. Behar*#C. Y. Liu#, K. Tsutsui#, V. D.A. Corino, J. Singh, M. A.F. Pimentel, W. Karlen, P. Warrick, S. Zaunseder, F. Andreotti, M. Osipov, P. E. McSharry, K. Kotzen, C. Karmakar and G. D. Clifford. Remote health monitoring in the time of COVID-19. Physiological Measurement2020, 41(10): 10TR01(1)-10TR01(29).(IF 2.309)

8.E. A, P. Alday, A. N. Gu, A. J. Shah, C. Robichaux, A. K. I. Wong, C. Y. Liu, F. F. Liu, A. B. Rad, A. Eloda, S. Seyedi, Q. Li, A. Sharma, G. D. Clifford and M. A. Reyna. Classification of 12-lead ECGs: the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2020. Physiological Measurement2020, 41(11): 10TR01(1)-10TR01(29). (IF 2.309)

9.L. L. Zhao, L. C. Yang*, B. M. Li, Z. H. Su and C. Y. Liu*Frontal alpha complexity of different severity depression patients. Journal of Healthcare Engineering2020, ID 8854725(1)-8854725(8).(IF 1.803)

10.M. C. Yang, C. Y. Liu*, X. Y. Wang, Y. W. Li, H. X. Gao, X. Liu and J. Q. Li*. An explainable artificial intelligence predictor for early detection of sepsis. Critical Care Medicine2020, 48(11): e1091-e1096.(IF 7.414)

11.Z. P. Cai, J. Q. Li*, A. E. W. Johnson, X. Y. ZhangQ. Shen, J. Zhang and C. Y. Liu *Rule-based rough-refined two-step-procedure for real-time premature beat detection in single-lead ECGPhysiological Measurement2020, 41(5): 054004(1)-054004(21). (IF 2.309)

12.Z. P. CaiC. Y. Liu*, H. X. Gao, X. Y. Wang, L. N. Zhao, Q. Shen, E. Y. K. Ng and J. Q. Li*. An open-access long-term wearable ECG database for premature ventricular contractions and supraventricular premature beat detection. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics2020, 10(11): 2663-2667(IF 0.659)

13.Q. Shen#, H. X. Gao#, Y. W. Li, Q. Sun, M. L. Chen*, J. Q. Li* and C. Y. Liu*An open-access arrhythmia database of wearable electrocardiogramJournal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2020, 40(8): 564-574(IF 1.173)

14.J. L. Xiong, X. Y. Liang, L. N. Zhao, B. Lo, J. Q. Li and C. Y. Liu*Improving accuracy of heart failure detection using data refinementEntropy, 2020, 22: 520(1)-520(25). (IF 2.494)

15.L. N. Zhao, J. Q. Li*, J. L. Xiong, X. Y. Liang and C. Y. Liu*Suppressing the influence of ectopic beats by applying a physical threshold-based sample entropyEntropy, 2020, 22: 411(1)-411(16). (IF 2.494)

16.B. H. Wang, X. Ma, Y. F. Wang, W. Dong, C. Y. Liu, Y. Y. Bai, S. Y. Bian, J. Ying, X. Hu, S. S. Wan, W. G. Xue, Y. P. Tian, C. Zhong, Y. Zhang, K. L. He* and J. Y. Li*. In-hospital mortality prediction for heart failure patients using electronic health records and an improved bagging algorithm. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2020, 10(5): 998-1004(IF 0.659)

17.Y. Xue, J. Yang, Y. T. Feng, Y. B. Zhou, Y. F. Qin, Y. Li, Y. W. Li, Q. S. Ren*, C. Y. Liu* and Z. T. Cao*Effects of mindful breathing on rapid hypoxia preacclimatization training. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2020, 10(3): 718-723(IF 0.659)

18.S. Zhang, R. Q. Zhang, S. J. Chang, C. Y. Liu and X. Z. Sha. A low-noise-level heart sound system based on novel thorax-integration head design and wavelet denoising algorithm. Micromachines, 2020, 10(12): 885. (IF 2.523)

19.C. Y. Liu*X. Y. Zhang, L. N. Zhao, F. F. Liu, X. W. Chen, Y. J. Yao andJ. Q. Li*. Signal quality assessment and lightweight QRS detectionfor wearable ECG SmartVest systemIEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(2): 1363-1374(IF 9.515)

20.C. Y. Liu*, L. K. Pan. Editorial: Advances in computer-aided medical systems and clinical measurement. Computer Aided Surgery2019, 24(sup 2): 1-2.(IF 1.2)

21.C. Y. Liu*, L. K. Pan. Editorial: Advances in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Clinical Measurement. Computer Aided Surgery2019, doi: 10.1080/24699322.2018.1560103.(IF 1.2)

22.H. L. Xie, L. Zhang*, C. P. Lim, Y. H. Yu, C. Y. Liu, H. Liu and J. Walters. Improving K-means clustering with enhanced firefly algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 84: 105763. (IF 5.472)

23.J. L. Xiong, X. Y. Liang, T. T. Zhu, L. N. Zhao, J. Q. Li and C. Y. Liu*A new physically meaningful threshold of sample entropy for detecting cardiovascular diseasesEntropy, 2019, 21: 830(1)-830(20). (IF 2.494)

24.Q. C. LiC. Y. LiuQ. Li, S. P. Shashikumar, S. Nemati, Z. C. Shen andG. DClifford*. Ventricular ectopic beat detection using a wavelet transform and a convolutional neural networkPhysiological Measurement2019, 40(11): 055002(1)-055002(17).(IF 2.309)

25.H. X. Gao, C. Y. Liu*X. Y. Wang, L. N. Zhao, Q. Shen, E. Y. K. Ng and J. Q. Li. An open-access ECG database for algorithm evaluation of QRS detection and heart rate estimation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2019, 9(9): 1853-1858(IF 0.659)

26.B. S. Lin, P. Y. Yang, C. F. Liu, Y. C. Huang, C. Y. Liu and B. S. Lin*. Design of Novel Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Hearing Aid. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 63809-63817. (IF 3.745)

27.Z. H. Qu, Q. W. Liu andC. Y. Liu*Classification of Congestive Heart Failure with Different NYHA Functional Classes Based on HRV Indices and Machine LearningExpert Systems, 2019, 36(3): e12396(1)- e12396(13).(IF 1.546)

28.J. P. Zhu, L. Z. Ji and C. Y. Liu*. Heart rate variability monitoring for emotion and disorders of emotion. Physiological Measurement2019, 40(6): 064004.(IF 2.309)

29.B. S. Lin, C. F. Liu, C. J. Cheng, J. J. Wang, C. Y. Liu, J. Q. Li and B. S. Lin*. Development of novel hearing aids by using image recognition technology. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, 23(3): 1163-1170. (IF 5.223)

30.Y. T. Zhang*, S. S. Wei, L. Zhang and C. Y. LiuComparing performance of Random Forest, SVM and their variants for ECG quality assessment combined with nonlinear features. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2019, 39(3): 381-392. (IF 1.173)

31.H. X. Shang, S. S. Wei*, F. F. Liu, D. W. Wei, L. Chen andC. Y. Liu*An improved sliding window area method for T wave detectionComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2019, Article ID 3130527(1)- 3130527(11)(IF 1.770)

32.L. L. Zhao, L. C. Yang*, Z. H. Su and C. Y. Liu*.Cardiorespiratory coupling analysis based on entropy and cross-entropy in distinguishing different depression stagesFrontiers in Physiology, 2019, 10: 359(1)-359(14).(IF 3.367)

33.Y. T. Xie, J. Q. Li*, T. T. Zhu and C. Y. Liu *Continuous-valued annotations aggregation for heart rate detectionIEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 37664-37671. (IF 3.745)

34.Z. M. Zhang, X.W. Liu, S. S. Wei*, H. P. Gan, F. F. Liu, Y. W. Li, C. Y. Liu* and F. Liu*. Electrocardiogram reconstruction based on compressed sensing. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 37228-37237. (IF 3.745)

35.Y. W. Li, W. T. Chen, D. Y. Liu, Z. M. Zhang, S. X. Wu* and C. Y. Liu *IFFLC: An integrated framework of feature learning and classification for multiple diagnosis codes assignmentIEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 36810-36818. (IF 3.745)

36.Z. P. Cai, J. Q. Li*, K. Luo, B. S. LinZ. G. Wang, X. Y. Zhang, J. Zhang and C. Y. Liu *Effects of inferior myocardial infarction sizes and sites on simulated electrocardiograms based on a torso-heart modelIEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 35470-35479. (IF 3.745)

37.Z. Y. Zhao, C. Y. Liu*, Y. W. Li, Y. X. Li, J. Y. Wang, B. S. Lin and J. Q. Li.Noise rejection for wearable ECGs using modified frequency slice wavelet transform and convolutional neural networksIEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 34060-34067(IF 3.745)

38.Q. Qin, J. Q. Li*, S. S. Yao, C. Y. Liu, H. Huang andY. Zhu*Electrocardiogram of a Silver Nanowire Based Dry Electrode: Quantitative Comparison with the Standard Ag/AgCl Gel ElectrodeIEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 20789-20800. (IF 3.745)

39.B. Y. Hu, S. S. Wei*, D. W. Wei, L. N. Zhao, G. H. Zhu andC. Y. Liu*Multiple time scalesanalysis for identifying congestive heart failure based on heart rate variabilityIEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 17862-17871.(IF 3.745)

40.L. N. Zhao, C. Y. Liu*, S. S. Wei, C. C. Liu and J. Q. Li.Enhancing detection accuracy for clinical heart failure utilizing pulse transit time variability and machine learningIEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 17716-17724. (IF 3.745)

41.X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, S. Q. Zhang, L. N. Zhao, F. F. Liu, H. Tang, Z. Q. He* and C. Y. Liu*. Comparison of photoplethysmographic signal features between healthy and sleep apnea patients during five sleep stages. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2019, 9(1): 63-69(IF 0.659)

42.Y. Li, P. Li, X. P. Wang, C. Karmakar, C. C. Liu* and C. Y. LiuShort-term QT interval variability in patients with coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure: a comparison with healthy control subjects. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2019, 57 (2), 389-400. (IF 2.022)

43.C. Y. Liu*JOster, Q. Li, L. Z. Zhao, S. Nemati andG. DClifford. A comparison of entropy approaches for AF discrimination. Physiological Measurement2018, 39(7): 74002(1)-74002(18).(IF 2.309)

44.C. Y. Liu*, FLiu, L. ZhangY. Su and A. Murray. Editorial: Smart wearables in healthcare: Signal processing, device development, and clinical applications. Journal of Healthcare Engineering2018, ID 1696924(1)-1696924(2).(IF 1.803)

45.Q. Li, Q. C. LiC. Y. Liu, S. P. Shashikumar, S. Nemati andG. DClifford*. Deep learning in the cross-time-frequency domain for sleep staging from a single lead electrocardiogramPhysiological Measurement2018, 39(12): 124005(1)-124005(12).(IF 2.309)

46.L. N. Zhao#C. Y. Liu*,#, S. S. Wei*, Q. Shen, F. Zhou and J. Q. Li. A new entropy-based atrial fibrillation detection method for scanning wearable ECG recordingsEntropy, 2018, 20: 904(1)-904(15). (IF 2.494)

47.A. N. Vest, G. D. Poian, Q. Li, C. Y. Liu, S. Nemati, A. J. Shah, G. D. Clifford*. An Open Source Benchmarked Toolbox for Cardiovascular Waveform and Interval Analysis. Physiological Measurement2018, 39(10): 105004(1)-105004(23). (IF 2.309)

48.Z. M. Zhang, S. S. Wei*, G. H. Zhu, F. F. Liu, Y. W. Li, X. T. Dong, C. Y. Liu* and F. Liu*. Efficient sleep classification based on entropy features and support vector machine classifier. Physiological Measurement2018, 39(11): 115005(1)-115005(13). (IF 2.309)

49.X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, J. B. Ji, F. F. Liu, P. Li and C. Y. Liu*Modeling radial artery pressure waveforms using curve fitting: Comparison of four types of fitting functions. Artery Research2018, 23: 56-62. (IF 0.519)

50.X. L. Chi#, X. Y Wang#, Z. R. Guo, H. H. Man*, H. X. Xu*, Y. C. Wangand C. Y. Liu*Relationships between blood pressure variability and silent cerebral infarction in patients with primary hypertension. Artery Research2018, 24: 40-46. (IF 0.519)

51.J. Zhang, L. C. Yang*, Z. H. Su, X. Q. Mao, K. Luo and C. Y. Liu*Photoplethysmogram signal quality assessment using support vector machine and multi-feature fusion. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2018, 8(9): 1757–1762(IF 0.659)

52.Y. T. Zhang*, C. Y. Liu, S. S. Wei, Y. G. Liu and H. LiuComplexity Analysis of Physiological Time Series Using a Novel Permutation-Ratio EntropyIEEE Access, 2018, 6: 67653-67664(IF 3.745)

53.F. F. Liu, C. Y. Liu*, L. Z. Zhao, X. E. Jiang, Z. M. Zhang, J. Q. Li, S. S. Wei* and Y. ZhangDynamic ECG signal quality evaluation based on the generalized bSQI indexIEEE Access, 2018,6: 41892-41902. (IF 3.745)

54.Y. W. Li#, Y. Zhang#, L. N. Zhao#, Y. Zhang#C. Y. Liu*, L. Zhang, L. X. Zhang, Z. S. Li, B. H. Wang, EYK. Ng, J. Q. Li, Z. Q. He*. Combining convolutional neural network and distance distribution matrix for identification of congestive heart failure. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 39734- 39744(IF 3.745)

55.F. F. Liu, C. Y. Liu*, L. N. Zhao, X. Y. Zhang, X. L. Wu, X. Y. Xu, Y. L. Liu, C. Y. Ma, S. S. Wei, Z. Q. He, J. Q. Li and N. Y. KweeAn open access database for evaluating the algorithms of ECG rhythm and morphology abnormal detection. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2018, 8(7): 1368-1373.(IF 0.659)

56.Y. L. Liu, S. S. Wei*, S. Zhang, F. F. Liu, J. Q. Li and C. Y. Liu*SQI-based two-step method for HR estimation by combining ECG and arterial blood pressure signalsJournal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2018, 8(7): 1502-1507(IF 0.659)

57.H. Tang*, Z. Y.Dai, Y. L. Jian, T. Li, C. Y. Liu*. PCG classification using multidomain features and SVM classifier. BioMed Research International, 2018, Article ID 4205027(1)- 4205027(14). (IF 2.276)

58.X. Y. Xu, S. S. Wei*, C. Y. Ma, K. Luo, L. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*Atrial fibrillation beat identification using the combination of modifiedfrequency slice wavelet transform and convolution neural networksJournal of Healthcare Engineering2018, Article ID 2102918(1)- 2102918(8).(IF 1.803)

59.F. F. Liu, S. S. Wei*, Y. B. Li, X. E. Jiang, Z. M. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*Performance analysis of ten common QRS detectors on different ECG application casesJournal of Healthcare Engineering2018, Article ID 9050812(1)- 9050812(8).(IF 1.803)

60.D. Pandit, L. Zhang*, S. Chattopadhyay, C. P. Lim and C. Y. Liu. A scattering and repulsive swarm intelligence algorithm for solving global optimization problemsKnowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 156(9): 12-42. (IF 5.921)

61.X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, D. C. Zhegn, P. Huang and C. Y. Liu*Changes of bilateral pulse transit time difference with one side of arm moving, Technology and Health Care2018, 26: S113-S119(IF 0.806)

62.Y. R. Xia, L. C. Yang*, L. Zunino, H. Y. Shi, Y. Zhuang and C. Y. Liu*.Application of permutation entropy and permutation min-entropy in multiple emotional states analysis of RRI time seriesEntropy, 2018, 20(3): 430(1)-430(11). (IF 2.494)

63.Y. Wang, S. S. Wei*, S. Zhang, Y. T. Zhang, L. Z. Zhao, C. Y. Liu* and A. Murray. Comparison of time-domain, frequency-domain and non-linear analysis for distinguishing congestive heart failure patients from normal sinus rhythm subjects. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2018, 42(1): 30-36.(IF 3.137)

64.L. Z. Ji, C. Y. LiuX. P. Wang, J. Yang and C.C. Liu*. Increased pulse wave transit timeafter percutaneous coronaryintervention procedure in CADpatientsScientific Reports, 2018, 8: 115(1)-115(7). (IF 3.998)

65.X. L. Chi, M. Li, X. Zhan, H. H. Man, S. L. Xu, D. C. Zheng, J. Z. Bi*, Y. C. Wang*, C. Y. LiuRelationship between carotid artery sclerosis and blood pressure variability in essential hypertension patientsComputers in Biology and Medicine2018, 92(1): 73-77. (IF 3.434)

66.C. Y. LiuDSpringer andG. DClifford*. Performance of an open source heart sound segmentation algorithm on collection of eight independent databasesPhysiological Measurement2017, 38(8):1730-1745. (IF 2.309)

67.C. Y. Liu* and R.Gao*. Multiscale entropy analysis of the differential RR interval time seriessignal and its application in detecting congestive heart failure. Entropy, 2017, 19: 251(1)-251(19). (IF 2.494)

68.AN.VestQLi,C. Y. Liu, SNematiAShah and G. D.Clifford.Benchmarking heart rate variability toolboxesJournal of Electrocardiology, 2017, 50(6): 744-747(IF 0.944)

69.G. DClifford, C. Y. LiuB. Moody, J. Millet, S. Schmidt, Q. Li, I. Silva and R. G. Mark.Recent advances in heart sound analysis. Physiological Measurement2017, 38(8): E10-E21.(IF 2.309)

70.F. Pan, P. Y. He*, C. Y. Liu,T. Y. Li, A. Murray and D. C. Zheng. Variation of Korotkoff stethoscope sounds during blood pressure measurement: Analysis using a convolutional neural networkIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2017, 21(6): 1593-1598(IF 5.223)

71.B. M. Whitaker*, P. B. Suresha1, C. Y. Liu, G. D. Cliffordand D. V. AndersonCombining sparse coding and time-domain featuresfor heart sound classificationPhysiological Measurement2017, 38(8): 1701-1729. (IF 2.309)

72.Q. QinJ. Q. Li*L. Zhang, Y. G. YueC. Y. LiuCombining low-dimensional wavelet features and support vector machine for arrhythmia beat classificationScientific Reports, 2017, 7: 6067(1)-6067(12). (IF 3.998)

73.E. Reinertsen, M, Osipov, C. Y. Liu, and Gari D. Clifford*. Continuous assessment of schizophrenia usingaccelerometer and heart rate dataPhysiological Measurement2017, 38(7): 1456-1471. (IF 2.309)

74.H. Y. Shi, L. C. Yang*, L. L. Zhao, Z. H. Su, X. Q. Mao, L. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*Differences of heart rate variability between happiness and sadness emotion states: A pilot studyJournal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2017, 37(4): 527-539(IF 1.173)

75.Q. QinJ. Q. Li*Y. G. YueC. Y. LiuAn adaptive and time-efficient ECG R-peak detection algorithmJournal of Healthcare Engineering2017, 2017: 5980541(1)-5980541(14). (IF 1.803)

76.G. Da PoianC. Y. LiuR. Rinaldo andG. DClifford*. Atrial fibrillation detection on compressed sensed ECGPhysiological Measurement2017, 38(7): 1405-1425.(IF 2.309)

77.Z. P. Cai, K. Luo, C. Y. Liu and J. Q. Li*. Design of a smart ECG garment based on conductive textile electrode and flexible printed circuit boardTechnology and Health Care, 2017, 25(4):815-821. (IF 0.806)

78.F. F. Liu, S. S. Wei*, Y. B. Li, X. E. Jiang, Z. M. Zhang, L. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*The accuracy on the common Pan-Tompkins based QRS detection methods through low-quality ECG databaseJournal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics2017, 7(5): 1039-1043.(IF 0.659)

79.Y. R. Xia, L. C. Yang*, X. Q. Mao, D. C. Zheng and C. Y. Liu*.Quantification of vascular function changes under different emotion states: a pilot studyTechnology and Health Care2017, 25(3): 447-456.(IF 0.806)

80.S. Y. Liu, J. Teng, X. H. Qi, S. S. Wei* and C. Y. Liu*Comparison between heart rate variability and pulse rate variability during different sleep stages for sleep apnea patients. Technology and Health Care2017, 25(3): 435-445.(IF 0.806)

81.X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, D. C. Zhegn, F. F. Liu, S. Q. Zhang, Z. M. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*Change of bilateral difference in radial artery pulse morphology with one-side arm movement. Artery Research2017, 19: 1-8. (IF 0.519)

82.D. Pandit, L. Zhang*, C. Y. LiuN. Aslam and S. Chattopadhyay. Lightweight lead II ECG QRS detector for mobile devices using max-min difference method. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2017, 144(2): 61-75.(IF 3.632)

83.F. Li, L. C. Yang*, H. Y. Shi and C. Y. Liu*. Differences in photoplethysmography morphological features and feature time series between two opposite emotions, Artery Research2017, 18: 7-13. (IF 0.519)

84.C. Y. LiuDSpringer, Q. Li, B. Moody, R. A. Juan, F. J. Chorro,F. Castells, J. M. Roig, I. Silva, AE.W. Johnson, Z. Syed, S. E.Schmidt, C. D. Papadaniil, L. Hadjileontiadis, H. Naseri, A. Moukadem, ADieterlen, C. Brandt, H. Tang, M. Samieinasab, M. R. Samieinasab,R. Sameni, R. G. Mark andG. DClifford*. An open access database for the evaluation of heart sound algorithmsPhysiological Measurement2016, 37(12): 2181-2213.(IF 2.309)

85.C. Y. Liu*, L. N. Zhao, H. Tang, Q. Li, S. S. Wei and J. Q. Li. Life-threatening false alarms rejection in ICU: Using rule-based and multi-channel information fusion methodPhysiological Measurement2016, 37(8): 1298-1312.(IF 2.309)

86.C. Y. Liu*C. Griffiths, A. Murray and D. C. ZhengComparison of stethoscope bell and diaphragm, and of stethoscope tube length, for clinical blood pressure measurement.Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2016, 21(3): 178-183.(IF 1.092)

87.L. N. Zhao, S. S. Wei*, H. Tang* and C. Y. Liu*Multivariable fuzzy measure entropy analysis for heart rate variability and heart sound amplitude variabilityEntropy, 2016, 18(12): 430(1)-430(15). (IF 2.494)

88.J. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, C. L. Pan, M. Bai, J. Zhang, Y. Peng, D. C. Zheng and Z. Zhang*. Effect of multiple clinical factors on recurrent angina after percutaneous coronary intervention: a retrospective study from 398 ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patientsMedicine, 2016, 95(41): e5015(1)-e5015(8).(IF 1.552)

89.H. Tang* and C. Y. Liu*. Changes of pulse characteristics with increased blood pressure: evidence from femoral arterial pulse of anesthetized dog using Gaussian fitting methodFrontiers in Physiology, 2016, 7:404(1)-404(14).(IF 3.367)

90.G. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, L. Z. Ji, J. Yang* and C. C. Liu*. Effect of percutaneous coronary intervention procedure on heart rate variability and pulse transit time variability: A comparison study based on fuzzy measure entropyEntropy, 2016, 18(7): 246(1)-246(13).(IF 2.494)

91.Y. T. Zhang, S. S. Wei*, C. Di Maria and C. Y. Liu*. Using Lempel-Ziv complexity to assess ECG signal quality. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2016, 36(5): 625-634(IF 1.173)

92.P. Li, K. Li, C. Y. Liu, D. C. Zheng, Z. M. Li and C.C. Liu*. Detection of coupling in short physiological series by a joint distribution entropy methodIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 63(11): 2231-2242. (IF 4.424)

93.L. Z. Ji, P. Li, C. Y. LiuX. P. Wang, J. Yang and C.C. Liu*. Measuringelectromechanical coupling in patients with coronary artery disease and healthy subjectsEntropy, 2016, 18(4): 153(1)-153(16).(IF 2.494)

94.Y. T. Zhang, S. S. Wei*, H. Liu, L. N. Zhao and C. Y. Liu*A novel Encoding Lempel-Ziv complexity algorithm for quantifying the irregularity of physiological time series. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2016, 133(6): 7-15.(IF 3.632)

95.C. Y. Liu*, D. C. Zheng* and A. Murray. Arteries stiffen with age, but can retain an ability to become more elastic with applied external cuff pressure. Medicine, 2015, 94(41): e1831(1)-e1831(6).(IF 1.552)

96.C. Y. Liu*#, C. Q. Zhang#, L. Zhang, L. N. Zhao, C. C. Liu and H. J. Wang*.Measuring synchronization in coupled simulation and coupled cardiovascular time series: A comparison of different cross entropy measuresBiomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2015, 21(8): 49-57. (IF 3.137)

97.M. F. Xu, S. S. Wei*, X. W. Qin, Y. T. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*Rule-based method for morphology classification of ST segment in ECG signal. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2015, 35(6): 816-823. (IF 1.173)

98.L. N. Zhao, S. S. Wei*, C. Q. Zhang, Y. T. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*Determination of sample entropy and fuzzy measure entropy parameters for distinguishing congestive heart failure from normal sinus rhythm subjectsEntropy, 2015,17(9): 6270-6288.(IF 2.494)

99.L. Z. Ji, C. Y. Liu, P. Li, X. P. Wang, C. Yan and C. C. Liu*. Comparison of heart rate variability between resting state and external-cuff-inflation-and-deflation state: a pilot studyPhysiological Measurement2015, 36(10):2135-2146.(IF 2.309)

100.A. R. Wang, L. Yang*C. Y. Liu, J. X. Cui, Y. Li, X. X. Yang, S. Zhang and D. C. Zheng. Athletic differences in the characteristics of the photoplethysmographic pulse shape: Effect of maximal oxygen uptake and maximal muscular voluntary contraction. BioMed Research International2015, Volume 20152015: 752570(1)-752570(8)(IF 2.276)

101.P. Li, C. Y. Liu, K. Li, D. C. Zheng, C.C. Liu* and Y. L. Hou*Assessing the complexity of short-term heartbeat interval series by distribution entropyMedical & Biological Engineering & Computing2015, 53(1): 77-87. (IF 2.022)

102.C. Y. Liu*L. N. Zhao and C. C. Liu. Effects of blood pressure and sex on the change of wave reflection:Evidence from Gaussian fitting method for radial artery pressure waveformPlos One, 2014, 9(11): e112895(1)-e112895(7).(IF 2.740)

103.C. Y. Liu*, P. Li, C. Di Maria, L. N. Zhao,H. G. ZhangZ. Q. Chen*. A multi-step method with signal quality assessment and fine-tuning procedure to locate maternal and fetal QRS complexes from abdominal ECG recordings. Physiological Measurement2014, 35(8): 1665-1683.(IF 2.309)

104.C. Y. Liu*, T. Zhuang, L. N. Zhao, F. L. Chang, C. C. Liu, S. S. Wei, Q. Q. Li and D. C. Zheng. Modelling arterial pressure waveform using Gaussian functions and two-stage particle swarm optimizer.BioMed Research International, 2014, 2014: 923260(1)-923260(10). (IF 2.276)

105.C. Y. Liu*, D. C.Zheng*L. N. Zhao and C. C. LiuGaussian fitting for carotid and radial artery pressure waveforms comparison between normal subjects and heart failure patientsBio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24(1): 271-277. (IF 1.243)

106.G. X. Gu, L. Yang*C. Y. Liu, S. Zhang and D. C. Zheng. Age and blood pressure associated changes in the Gaussian modelling characteristics of the photoplethysmographic pulse. Experimental & Clinical Cardiology, 2014, 20(9): 4943-4951(IF 0.758)

107.Z. Q. Chen, L. N. Mao, C. Y. Liu, J. R. Blake and D. C. Zheng*. Decreased peripheral arterial volume distensibility in patients with branch retinal vein occlusion in comparison with normal subjects. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 6685(1)-6685(6). (IF 3.998)

108.C. Di Maria*C. Y. Liu, D. C. Zheng, A. Murray and P. Langley. Extracting the foetal ECG from maternal abdominal recordings: Selection of the optimal principal component. Physiological Measurement2014, 35(8): 1649-1664. (IF 2.309)

109.Y. T. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, S. S. Wei*, C. Z. Wei and F. F. Liu. ECG quality assessment based on a kernel support vector machine and genetic algorithm with a feature matrixJournal of Zhejiang University – Science C, 2014, 15(7): 564-573. (IF 1.215)

110.P. Li, C. Y. Liu, X. P. Wang, D. C. Zheng, Y. Y. Li and C. C. Liu*. A low-complexity data-adaptive approach for premature ventricular contraction recognitionSignal, Image and Video Processing, 2014, 8(1): 111-120.(IF 1.794)

111.C. Y. Liu*, D. C.Zheng, A. Murray and C. C. Liu. Modelling carotid and radial artery pulse pressure waveforms by curve fitting with Gaussian functions. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control2013, 8(5): 449-454.(IF 3.137)

112.C. Y. Liu*, D. C. Zheng, L. N. Zhao, P. Li, B. Li, A. Murray and C. C. Liu. Elastic properties of peripheral arteries in heart failure patients in comparison with normal subjects. Journal of Physiological Sciences, 2013, 63(3): 195-201. (IF 2.955)

113.C. Y. Liu*, K. Li, L. N. Zhao, F. Liu, D. C. Zheng, C. C. Liu* and S. T. Liu. Analysis of heart rate variability using fuzzy measure entropy. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2013, 43(2): 100-108. (IF 3.434)

114.P. Li, C. Y. LiuL. P. Li, L. Z. Ji, S. Y. Yu andC.C. Liu*. Multiscale multivariate fuzzy entropy analysis. Acta Physica Sinica, 2013, 62(12): 120512(1)-120512(9). (in Chinese) (IF 0.732)

115.P. Li, C. Y. Liu, X. P. Wang, L. P. Li, L. Yang, Y. C. Chen and C. C. Liu*. Testing pattern synchronization in coupled systems through different entropy-based measures. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2013, 51(5): 581-591. (IF 2.022)

116.C. Y. Liu*L. P. Li, L. N. Zhao, D. C. Zheng, P. Li and C. C. Liu*. A combination method of improved impulse rejection filter and template matching for identification of anomalous intervals in electrocardiographic RR sequences. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2012, 32(4): 245-250. (IF 1.173)

117.L. P. Li, K. Li, S. G. Cheng, C. Y. Liu and C. C Liu*. Five-class density histogram and its application in short-term heart rate variability. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2012, 32(4): 287-291. (IF 1.173)

118.C. Y. Liu, C. C. Liu*, P. Shao, L. P. Li, X. Sun, X. P. Wang and F. Liu. Comparison of different threshold values r for approximate entropy: Application to investigate the heart rate variability between heart failure and healthy control groups. Physiological Measurement, 2011, 32(2): 167-180. (IF 2.309)

119.C. Y. Liu*, L. N. Zhao, C. C. Liu and S. S. Wei. Dynamic nodes partition algorithm for Ad Hoc network. China Communications2011, 8(8): 44-48. (IF 2.024)







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