Lingfei Moassociate professorMasters Supervisor1)Measurement & Sensing;
2)RFID (Radio Frequency Identification);
3)Internet of Things & LPWAN;
4)Machine Learning &Artificial Intelligence;
4)Brain-like Intelligence and Computational Neuroscience;Office Telephone:025-83751512
Postal address:School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Xiaoguo Zhangassociate professorMasters Supervisor1. Real time 3D reconstruction of large scale environments
2. Object detections of natural environments using deep learning
3. Geospatial data mining using Discrete Morse ThoeryOffice Telephone:N/A
mailbox:xgzhang (at), replace (at) using @ please.
Postal address:School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast Univ., No.2 Sipailou, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, 210096
Wang GaolecturernoneHigh-precision positioning and navigation using multi-GNSS and the combination with other sensors (e.g. Inertial Navigation System and Vision)Office Telephone:025-86642660
Postal address:Room 310 of Zonghe Building, West Campus of Southeast University, 35# Jinxianghe Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing