Hong Zeng

Release time:2019-09-06viewed:577


Hong Zeng received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2010. Dr. Hong Zeng was promoted to Associate Professor in School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China in 2014. From Nov.2018 to Nov. 2019, he worked as a visiting researcher at Mechatronics and Haptic Interfaces Lab in Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. He now serves as the secretary of the IEEE Nanjing Section Robotics and Automation Society Chapter and used to serve as the secretary of the IEEE Hong Kong Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter. He is also a committee member of the Youth Committee of China Instrument Society, the Parallel Control and Management Technical Committee of China Automation Association, and the Hybrid Intelligence Technical Committee of China Automation Association. His current research focuses on (EMG, EEG, Gaze, etc.) bioRobot interface and interaction, haptic interface and interaction, human-swarm interaction, intelligent rehabilitation robot, supernumerary robotic limb. Dr. Hong Zeng has published over 30 papers in several highly recognized academic journals, such as IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE ToH, Front. Neurorobotics, Front. Neurosci. and so on.

professional ranks and titles

associate professor

Tutor Information

Doctoral Supervisor

Teaching Work

Undergraduate students: 

Measurement Signal Analysis and Processing (Bilingual course) 

Graduate students: 

Dynamic Measurement Signal Processing and Modeling (English)

Part-time Academic Job

IEEE member (RAS, EMBC, SMC) 

secretary of the IEEE Nanjing Section Robotics and Automation Society Chapter 

secretary of the Haptics Sensing and Interaction Technical Committee of China Instrument Society

committee member of the Youth Committee of China Instrument Society 

committee member of the Parallel Control and Management Technical Committee of China Automation Association 

committee member of the Hybrid Intelligence Technical Committee of China Automation Association 

IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for brain computer interfaces (IEEE CIBCI),2019, Organizer 

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2014, program committee member 

International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition,2009-2019, program committee member 

International Conference on Sensing Technology,2016, program committee member 


IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 

IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems 

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 

IEEE Signal Processing Letters 

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 

Computers in Biology and Medicine

Research direction

bioRobot/bioMechatronic interfaces; 

haptic interaction systems; 

motor learning/control; 

physical/cognitive human-robot collaboration/interaction with biosignals (EMG, EEG, Gaze, etc.) 

neuro-rehabilitation/assistive robot 

On-going and previous projects as PI: 


[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program):robot-assisted upper-limb training with closed-loop adaptive intervention of neuromuscular control strategies, 2022-2025 (No.62173089) 

[2] Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (General Program):Prediction of movement intention with dynamic features of movement-related EEG signals, 2018-2021(No. BK20181266) 

[3] National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program):Research on the upper-limb movement intention recognition with deep learning and decoding by task-oriented recursive Bayesian estimation from EEG signals, 2017-2020 (No.61673105) 

[4] National key research and development program (sub-contract): Hands and body motion capture technology and devices supporting fusion in clouds, 2016-2020(No.2016YFB1001302) 

[5] National key research and development program (sub-contract): Design of upper-limb and lower-limb rehabilitation robots, 2017-2020(No.2017YFB1303202) 

[6] Aeronautical Science Foundation of China: Multi-modal human-swarm interaction, 2017-2019(No.20171969007)

SCI Journal Papers

[J1]X. Li, H. Zeng, J. X. Zhang, A. G. Song. Engagement Enhancement Based on Bayesian Optimiazation for Adaptive Assist-as-Needed Controller. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, 7(1): 49-56. (SCI IF= 3.741) 

[J2]X. H. Hu, H. Zeng, A. G. Song, D. P. Chen. Robust Continuous Hand Motion Recognition Using Wearable Array Myoelectric Sensor.  IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021,  21(8): 20596-20605. (SCI IF= 3.301) 

[J3]H. Zeng,J. J. Shen, W.M. Zheng, A. G. Song, J. Liu. Toward Measuring Target Perception: First-order and Second-order Deep Network Pipeline for Classification of Fixation Related Potentials. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2020, Article ID 8829451. (SCI IF= 1.8)

[J4]H. Zeng, Y. T. Shen, X. H. Hu, A. G. Song, B. G. Xu, H. J. Li, Y. X. Wang and P. C. Wen.  Semi-Autonomous Robotic Arm Reaching With Hybrid Gaze–Brain Machine Interface, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2020,13:111. (SCI IF=3.00)

[J5]   D. P. Chen, A. G. Song, L. Tian, L. Y. Fu, H. Zeng. “FW-Touch: A Finger Wearable Haptic Interface with a MR Foam Actuator for Displaying Surface Material Properties on a Touch Screen”. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2019, in press. 

[J6]   H. Zeng, Y. Z. Sun, G. Z. Xu, C. C. Wu, A. G. Song, B.G. Xu, H. J. Li, C. Hu. “The Advantage of Low-Delta Electroencephalogram Phase Feature for Reconstructing the Center-Out Reaching Hand Movements”. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2019, 13: 480. 

[J7]  B. G. Xu, L. L. Zhang, A. G. Song, C. C. Wu, W. L. Li, D. L. Zhang, G. Z. Xu, H. J. Li, H. Zeng. “Wavelet Transform Time-Frequency Image and Convolutional Network-Based Motor Imagery EEG Classification”. IEEE Access, 2018, 7: 6084-6093. 

[J8]   H. J. Li, Song, A. G. Song, B. W. Li, B. G. Xu, H. Zeng. “Experiments and assessments of a 3-DOF haptic device for interactive operation”. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2018, 2018(1): 94. 

[J9]   P. Ji, H. Zeng, A. G. Song, P. Yi, P. W. Xiong, H. J. Li. “Virtual exoskeleton-driven uncalibrated visual servoing control for mobile robotic manipulators based on human–robot–robot cooperation”. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, 40(14): 4046-4062. 

[J10]   H. Zeng, Y. X. Wang, C. C. Wu, A. G. Song, J. Liu, P. Ji, B. G. Xu, L. F. Zhu, H. J. Li and P. C. Wen. “Closed-loop hybrid gaze brain-machine interface based robotic arm control with augmented reality feedback”. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2017, 11:60. 

[J11]  M. M. Miao,H. Zeng,A. M. Wang,C. S. Zhao,F. X. Liu. “Discriminative spatial-frequency-temporal feature extraction and classification of motor imagery EEG: a sparse regression and weighted naïve Bayesian classifier-based approach”. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2017, 278(1):13-24. 

[J12]  M. M. Miao, H. Zeng, A. M. Wang, F. K. Zhao, F. X. Liu. “Index finger motor imagery EEG pattern recognition in BCI applications using dictionary cleaned sparse representation-based classification for healthy people”. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88 (9): 094305. 

[J13]  C. C. Wu, H. Zeng, A. G. Song, B. G. Xu. “Grip force and 3D push-pull force estimation based on sEMG and GRNN”. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2017, 11:343. 

[J14] D. J. Ni, A. G. Song, X. N. Xu, H. J. Li, C. C. Zhu, and H. Zeng. “3D-point-cloud registration and real-world dynamic modelling-based virtual environment building method for teleoperation”. Robotica, 2017, 35(10): 1958-1974. 

[J15] H. Zeng, A. G. Song. “Optimizing single-trial EEG classification by stationary matrix logistic regression in brain–computer interface”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2016, 27(11):2301-2313. 

[J16] B. G. Xu, A. G. Song, G. P. Zhao, G. Z. Xu, L. Z. Pan, R. H. Yang, H. J. Li, J. W. Cui, H. Zeng. “Robotic neurorehabilitation system design for stroke patients”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(3): 1687814015573768. 

[J17] H. Zeng, Y. M. Cheung. “Learning a mixture model for clustering with the completed likelihood minimum message length criterion”. Pattern Recognition, 2014, 47(5): 2011-2030. 

[J18] H. Zeng, A. G. Song, R. Q. Yan. “EOG artifact correction from EEG recording using stationary subspace analysis and empirical mode decomposition”. Sensors, 2013, 13(11): 14839-14859.   

[J19] H. Zeng, A. G. Song, Y. M. Cheung. “Improving clustering with pairwise constraints: a discriminative approach”. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2013, 36(2): 489-515. 

[J20] L. Z. Pan,A. G. Song,G. Z. Xu、H. J. Li,H. Zeng,B. G. Xu. “Safety supervisory strategy for upper-limb rehabilitation robot based on impedance control”. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2013, 10(2): 1-12. 

[J21] H. Zeng, Y. M. Cheung. “Semi-supervised maximum margin clustering with pairwise constraints”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2012, 24(5):926-939.  

[J22] H. Zeng, Y. M. Cheung. “Feature selection and kernel learning for local learning based clustering”. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2011, 30(8): 1532-1547. 

[J23] Y. M. Cheung, H. Zeng. “Local kernel regression score for selecting features of high-dimensional data”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2009, 21(12):1798-1802. 

[J24] H. Zeng, Y. M. Cheung. “A new feature selection method for Gaussian mixture clustering”. Pattern Recognition, 2009, 42(2):243-250.

International Conference Papers

[C1] X. X. Luo,  J. J. Shen, H. Zeng , A. G. Song, B. G. Xu, H. J. Li, P. C. Wen. “Interested Object Detection based on Gaze using Low-cost Remote Eye Tracker”. In Proceedings of the 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2019, pp. 1101-1104. 

[C2] Y. X. Wang, G. Z. Xu, A. G. Song, B. G. Xu, H. J. Li, C. Hu, H. Zeng. “Continuous Shared Control for Robotic Arm Reaching Driven by a Hybrid Gaze-Brain Machine Interface”. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018, pp. 4462-4467. 

[C3] H. Zeng, C. C. Wu, A. G. Song, B. G. Xu, H. J. Li, P. C. Wen, J. Liu. “Detection of self-paced movement intention from pre-movement electroencephalogram signals with Hilbert transform”. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017, pp. 2089-2092. 

 [C4] H. Zeng, B. G. Xu, H. J. Li, A. G. Song, P. C. Wen, J. Liu. “Investigation of phase features of movement related cortical potentials for upper-limb movement intention detection”. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), 2017, pp. 350-358. 

[C5] Y. X. Wang, H. Zeng, A. G. Song, B.G. Xu, H. J. Li, L. F. Zhu, et al. “Robotic arm control using hybrid brain-machine interface and augmented reality feedback”. In Proceedings of the 8th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2017, pp. 411-414. 

[C6] Y. Z. Sun, H. Zeng, A. G. Song, B.G. Xu, H. J. Li, J. Liu, P. C. Wen. “Investigation of the Phase Feature of Low-Frequency Electroencephalography Signals for Decoding Hand Movement Parameters”. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2017, pp.2312-2316. 

[C7] M. M. Miao, H. Zeng, A. M. Wang. “Composite and Multiple Kernel Learning for Brain Computer Interface”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), 2017. pp. 803-810. 

[C8] Y. X. Wang, H. Zeng, J. Liu. “Low-cost eye-tracking glasses with real-time head rotation compensation”. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST), 2016, pp. 1-5.

Recruitment Plan

2~3 Master students per year 

1~2 Ph. D students per year

Contact information

Office Telephone:

Postal address:2 Sipailou, School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China