Lifeng Zhu

Release time:2019-09-06viewed:744


2003.9~2007.7,Bachelor degree in Mathematics, Fudan University 

2007.9~2012.7,Ph.d in Computer Science, Peking University 

2012.8~2013.8,Post-doc, JST/ERATO, the University of Tokyo 

2013.8~2015.2,Post-doc, School of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania 

2015.3~ ,assistant/associate Professor, Southeast University.

professional ranks and titles

associate professor

Tutor Information

Masters Supervisor

Teaching Work

- Introduction to Computer-aided Design and Simulation (Seminar), 2018, 2019 

- Control Techniques and System (Seminar), 2015,2016,2017,2019 

- Error Theory and Data Processing, 2017,2019

Part-time Academic Job

- Eurographics 2016~2019 Short Paper Session Program committee, IEEE AIVR 2019 Program committee 

- The 10th International conference on sensing technology,ICST2016 Organization committee 

- Reviewers for International conferences (SIGGRAPH2013, 2015, SIGGRAPH Asia2014, 2016, UIST2017, Shape Modeling International2014...) and Journals (the Visual Computer, Graphical Models, IEEE TVCG...)

Research direction

Virtual Reality and Human Computer Interaction, Computer-aided Design and Computer Graphics 

- Geometric Design for Customized Fabrication - Human Modeling and its medical applications 

- Physical Simulation, Computer Animation - Visualization

SCI Journal Papers

- Lifeng Zhu, Weiwei Xu, John Snyder, Yang Liu, Guoping Wang, Baining Guo. Motion-Guided Mechanical Toy Modeling.  ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia2012), vol.30 (6):1. 2012. (CCF A类)

- Lifeng Zhu, Takeo Igarashi, Jun Mitani. Soft Folding. Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2013). vol. 32(7),2013. (CCF B类) 

- Lifeng Zhu, Xiaoyan Hu, Ladislav Kavan. Adaptable Anatomical Models for Realistic Bone Motion Reconstruction. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics2015). Vol.34(2), 459-471, 2015 (CCF B类) 

- Lifeng Zhu, Wei Li, Xiaorui Zhang, Aiguo Song. Diffusion-based non-uniform regularization for variational shape deformation. Computer-Aided Design, vol.81, pp.61–69, 2016. (CCF B类) 

- Lifeng Zhu, Weiwei Xia, Jia Liu, Aiguo Song. Visualizing Fuzzy Sets using Opacity-varying Freeform Diagrams. Information Visualization, vol.17, issue.2, PP.146-160. 2018.

International Conference Papers

- Lifeng Zhu, Xuanpeng Li, Wenjie Lu and Yongjie Jessica Zhang. A Field-Based Representation of Surrounding Vehicle Motion from a Monocular Camera. The 29th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Changshu, China. June.2018 

- Lifeng Zhu, Shengren Li, Guoping Wang. Accurate stitching for polygonal surfaces. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on CAD/Graphics’09,pp.227-232, 2009. 

- Jianzhe Gu, David E. Breen, Jenny Hu, Lifeng Zhu, Ye Tao, Tyson Van de Zande, Guanyun Wang, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Lining Yao. Geodesy: Self-rising 2.5D Tiles by Printing along 2D Geodesic Closed Path. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), Glasgow, Scotland Uk, 2019 (CCF A类)

Contact information

Office Telephone:
mailbox:lifengzhu *at*

Postal address:School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Sipailou #2, Nanjing, Jiangsu,210096, P. R. China