Xiaojing-Zhou received her M. S. degree in Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments at Southeast University, Nanjing, China in 2000, the Ph.D. degree in precision instrument and machinery at the same university in 2008.Now she is an assistant professor in the School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University. From 2019.8-2010.9,She worked as a visiting scholar in School of Engineering and Computer Science,Durham University,UK.
professional ranks and titles
associate professor
Tutor Information
Masters Supervisor
Teaching Work
1)Microprocessor system and interface
2)Embedded system
Research direction
1) Anthropometric body modeling and parameters measurement from images or videos
2) Crowd evacuating simulation and traffic accident scene reoccurring
3) 3D virtual environment of disaster and rescue
SCI Journal Papers
1)Zhou, XJ (Zhou, Xiaojing); Chen, JX (Chen, Jinxiang); Chen, GH (Chen, Guohua); Zhao, ZX (Zhao, Zhengxu); Zhao, Y (Zhao, Yong).Anthropometric body modeling based on orthogonal view images,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS,v53(2016),p27-36
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