Wei Li

Release time:2019-09-06viewed:512


Wei Li received the Bachelor and Master degrees from School of Instrument Science and Engineering at Southeast University, and the Ph.D. degree from Graduate School of Informatics at Southeast University. Now, he is a staff member with School of Instrument Science and Engineering at Southeast University.

professional ranks and titles

associate professor

Tutor Information

Masters Supervisor

Teaching Work

Lecture 1: pattern recognition (for junior students) 

Lecture 2: wireless sensor network (for senior students)

Research direction

A. pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision 

B. biomedical signal processing, emotional data analysis 

C. intelligence instrumentation, wireless sensor network 

D. machine learning, convex optimization, fundamentals of artificial intelligence 

E. interdisciplinary fields between engineering and philosophy

SCI Journal Papers

1.Wei Li, Yang Wu, Jianqing Li, Re-Identification by Neighborhood Structure Metric Learning, Pattern Recognition. Vol.61, PP.327-338, 2017 (SCI, IF=5.898) 

2. Wei Li, Jianqing Li. Local Deep Field for Electrocardiogram Beat Classification, IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol.18. PP.1656-1664, 2018  (SCI, IF=3.076) 

3. Wei Li, Jianqing Li, Lifeng Zhu, Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification via Fair Set-Collaboration Metric Learning, Neurocomputing. Vol.242,  PP.15-27, 2017 (SCI, IF=4.072) 

4. Wei Li, Jianqing Li, Qin Qin. Set-Based Discriminative Measure for Electrocardiogram, Sensors. Vol.17, no.2, Art.no.234, 2017 (SCI, IF=3.031) 

5. Wei Li, Yang Wu, Masayuki Mukunoki, Yinghui Kuang, Michihiko Minoh, Locality Based Discriminative Measure for Multiple-shot Human Re-identification, Neurocomputing. Vol.167,  PP.280-289, 2015 (SCI, IF=4.072) 

6. Wei Li, Yang Wu, Masayuki Mukunoki, Michihiko Minoh, Coupled metric learning for single-shot versus single-shot person re-identification, Optical Engineering. Vol.52, No.2, PP.027203-1-10, 2013 (SCI) 

7. Wei Li, Yang Wu, Masayuki Mukunoki, Michihiko Minoh, Bi-Level Relative Information Analysis for Multiple-Shot Person Re-Identification, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. Vol.E96-D, No.11, PP.2450-2461, 2013 (SCI) 

8. Wei Li, Masayuki Mukunoki, Yinghui Kuang, Yang Wu, Michihiko Minoh, Person Re-Identification by Common-Near-Neighbor Analysis, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. Vol.E97-D, No.11, PP.2935-2946, 2014 (SCI) 

9. Wei Li, Songsheng Zhu. Wavelets for Electrocardiogram: Overview and Taxonomy, IEEE Access). 2018 (SCI, IF=4.098) 

10 Wei Li, Deep Intermediate Representation and In-Set Voting Scheme for Multiple-Beat Electrocardiogram Classification. IEEE Sensors Journal 2019 (SCI, IF=3.076) 

11、Lifeng Zhu, Wei Li, Xiaorui Zhang, Aiguo Song. Diffusion-Based Non-Uniform Regularization for Variational Shape Deformation. Computer-Aided Design. Vol.81, PP.61-69, 2016 (SCI)

International Conference Papers

1. Wei Li, Yang Wu, Masayuki Mukunoki, Michihiko Minoh, Locality Based Discriminative Measure for Multiple-shot Person Re-identification, 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2013 (EI) 

2. Wei Li, Yang Wu, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Masayuki Mukunoki, Michihiko Minoh, Riemannian Set-level Common-Near-Neighbor Analysis for Multiple-shot Person Re-identification, 13th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2013 (EI) 

3. Wei Li, Yang Wu, Masayuki Mukunoki, Michihiko Minoh, Common-Near-Neighbor Analysis for Person Re-identification, 19th  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2012 (EI) 

4. Yang Wu, Wei Li, Michihiko Minoh, Masayuki Mukunoki, Can Feature-Based Inductive Transfer Learning Help Person Re-Identification?, 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013 (EI) 5. Yang Wu, Wei Li, Masayuki Mukunoki, Michihiko Minoh, Shihong Lao, Discriminative Collaborative Representation for Classification, 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2014 (EI)

Recruitment Plan

2-4 students per year

Contact information

Office Telephone:
mailbox:seuliwei@126.com              or             li-wei@seu.edu.cn
Postal address: