Xiaoguo Zhang

Release time:2019-09-06viewed:387


        Xiaoguo Zhang, male, Ph.D., is currently an associate professor with the school of Instrument Science and engineering, Southeast University. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the CAD and Mobile GIS fields from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 1998 and 2001, respectively. From 2002 to 2003, he was with the Maritime Research Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where his research was focused on maritime GIS and optimal path finding. In April 2003, he joined Motorola China as a senior software engineer, and later as a project leader and senior staff software engineer respectively, and his R&D works were mainly on embedded Java virtual machine and location-based services, where he led the R&D work of the first J2ME virtual machine for Motorola CMDA/iDEN dual mode phones, the first multitasking Java virtual machine, and platform/RIL layer of the first CDMA Android phone. Dr. Zhang's current research interests are mainly in Image Processing and resolving GIS problem using computational topology, spatial data structure, and he has published about 60 papers, and is the first innovator of 12 authorized China patents of invention. Dr. Zhang is the owner of the following awards:

(1) The Second Class Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, China (rank 3), 2018

(2) The Third Class Award of Science and Technology Progress Award, Jiangsu Province (rank 2), China, 2017

(3) The Best Teacher on Student Satisfaction of School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, 2015

(4) The Best Teacher on Student Satisfaction of School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, 2016

(5) The Second Class Award of Teaching, Southeast University, 2015

(6) Wuliangchun Award of Teaching, Southeast University, 2012

(7) The Second Class Award of Youth Teacher Competition on Teaching, Southeast University, 2011

(8) The Second Class Award of Science and Technology, Ministry of Land and Resources (rank 2), China, 2010

(9) The Best Paper Award in 5th MCTS, Motorola China Research Institute, 2008

(10) The Best Employee on innovations in Advanced Technology Group, Motorola, 2007,2006

(11) The Best Employee on customer satisfaction in Advanced Technology Group, Motorola, 2004

(12) The Honor Ph.D. Thesis Award, Southeast University, 2004

professional ranks and titles

associate professor

Tutor Information

Masters Supervisor

Teaching Work

1. C++ programming language (undergraduate) 

2. The Principal and applications of GNSS(master students)

Part-time Academic Job

1. Member of China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG) 

2. Member of the Special Committee of Vision Detection of CSIG 

3. Invited reviewer of the following International Journals: 

 (1) IEEE Transaction On ITS 

 (2) International Journal of Robotics and Automation 

 (3) Transportation Research C 

 (4) International Journal of Geographic Information Science 

 (5) Journal of Robotics and Automation

Research direction

Dr. Zhang's research interests are mainly focused on Image processing and Geospatial information mining, which includes real time 3D reconstruction of large scale environments, object detections of natural environments using deep learning, and geospatial data mining using computational topology.

SCI Journal Papers

To be updated. 

International Conference Papers

To be updated!

Recruitment Plan

About 2-3 master students, the actual plan depends. Students majoring in computer science, automation, survey and mapping, and electronics are also welcomed.

Contact information

Office Telephone:N/A
mailbox:xgzhang (at) seu.edu.cn, replace (at) using @ please.

Postal address:School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast Univ., No.2 Sipailou, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, 210096